Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Things That Make Me Wonder

I am a bit baffled by some recent events and the recent prisoner exchange between the United States and the Taliban has pushed me over the edge of my silence.  I'm going to just start thinking out loud, or in print as it were.

Here are some things the people involved have to be thinking.  Unless they're really stupid or dense in some other way, some things must be assumed to be true.

If the Taliban is even reasonably smart you have to believe they will try to keep Mohammed Nabl, Mullah Noruliah Noorl, Abdul Haq Waslq, Khairullah Khalrkhwa, and Mohammad Fazi well away from anything or anybody important to them.

One shouldn't have to think too much about this prisoner exchange to wonder if something isn't going on that isn't being seen.  There are a number of possibilities that could explain why the White House would want to trade these guys for just one guy of no extra special value.  And most of these you have to believe are weighing heavily on Taliban minds.

One possibility is that one or more of these guys could have been turned into double-agents.

Another is that they have had undetectable spying and tracking devices placed on them.  There are technologies just coming to the fore that would make it possible to plant such a device internally without the subject even knowing.  They could have ingested a device planted in their food.  Yes, they can make them that small now.

There are at least a few other ways these five guys could now be very much damaged goods, and considering where the United States is in our election cycles, if I were the Taliban I'd keep these guys well away from important things at least until after November elections in the United States.  The Obama team could be looking to pull what we have come to call an "October surprise" where an impressive display of military force is used to bolster domestic political support.

The idea of tiny ingested tracking devices brings up another thing that makes me wonder.  I've read papers and attended tech conferences where the potential military and spying application of nano-technology was heavily discussed.  That is until recently.  In looking for a paper or two to reference military and spying applications of nano-bots, I found this information has suddenly been driven to obscurity.

This is very reminiscent of the late 80's and what one would have to go through to find papers supporting the feasibility of things like stealth technology and weaponized lasers.  All in spite of such papers being relatively easy to find just a few years earlier.

A nano-bot or something not quite that small could attach itself to a person shortly after being ingested and, if made of something like titanium, the host body may never notice its presence.

Now some readers at this point may be wondering why I'd seemingly go out of my way to give the Taliban a heads up, and the answer is that I'm not.  Unlike my typical reader, certain members of the Taliban think about this sort of stuff all the time.  If I'm wondering what's up here, you can be sure that they are too.  After all, they have access to the internet.

Bottom line is that these five guys are damaged goods even if the White House was so incompetent as to have traded them strait up.  Unless the Taliban are fools these five will not be used for anything important or allowed near anyone important, at least until the United States makes a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan.  At least that's what should be assumed.

Now if raids and/or drone strikes follow these guys before the November elections we will know there are some really stupid people out there and also that the current occupants of the White House insultingly think the American people are stupid too.  The former would surprise me more than the latter.

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