Tuesday, July 17, 2012

3PI, Coal And True Compassion

When your mind loses contact with your heart you become a fool

Did you know all the states touching the Appalachian Mountains from Pennsylvania to Tennessee and North Carolina are Obama's “No Job Zone”? Well I didn't until I drove my parents through there this last week. I pride myself as a critical thinker so when I saw the big billboards, mostly in West Virginia, I thought their words were a bit of hyperbole. From the laid off coal worker's point of view there is probably little if any hyperbole on those billboards. For some of them at least, the letters on those signs could not be big enough, at least not until they reached all the way to the White House and crashed down on the president's desk. The most powerful man in the United States didn't just pursue policies that had the side effect of threatening their jobs, he directly targeted their jobs for extinction.

In 2008 Obama said in the context of describing his desired policies toward the use of coal, “If someone wants to build a new coal-fired power plant they can, but it will bankrupt them because they will be charged a huge sum for all the greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

Apparently many people thought that was just tough talk from a candidate pandering to so-called “green” voters, and once in office he would take a more rational approach to environmental regulations and energy policy, yes even a more humanly sensitive approach. Now that his EPA has started to move ahead with unreasonable carbon dioxide restrictions on power plants that achieve exactly the meaning of Obama's words in 2008, building a coal-fired power plant will bankrupt whoever builds one and, even worse, those plants already in existence will need to be closed.

West Virginia's economy sits on the brink of something far worse than a depression. If the EPA and the president who sent them on this path of destruction aren't stopped, West Virginia could become a ghost state, and Appalachian areas of other states could become ghost regions.

I suppose some “green” people will see this as “environmental justice” and hope the absence of jobs in these places will cause the people to stop living there, and thus remove the human blight from the land, but I must believe these green Grinches have hearts buried somewhere in their beings that they just aren't listening to, and no, their hearts aren't wooden. No human being, being true to themselves, should want what is about to happen to these coal workers.

But I know how people can allow high ideals to separate their minds from their hearts. I've had it happen to me and I can tell you when your mind loses contact with your heart you become a fool, probably the worst kind of fool, a heartless fool. Long story short, I was once a neo-con who believed American workers losing their jobs to foreign workers was a “good in the long run” and “greater good” kind of situation. While I acknowledged the fear and suffering involved, I had so much faith in my ideals and the goal of world-wide economic opportunity and success for all through free trade and open markets, that I believed the bad was worth the pursuit of this “greater good”. Walking through ten to twenty virtually empty industrial and business parks and talking to those still desperately clinging to a means to feed and house their families cured me of that mental dislocation that had it out of touch with my heart.

Thus was born in me what I call “third person individualism” or 3PI. The simplest way I can describe it is that I believe individual dignity and liberty are more important than myself or any ideal I may hold to, for even if I believe in something greater than everything, my understanding of that is still less significant than the individual. Pursuing any ideal at the expense of individual dignity and liberty is heartless foolishness, if not worse.

In the case of President Obama's coal policy I cannot help but wonder if it isn't worse. At least the neo-cons believe in individualism. They may not appreciate its true significance when they welcome the migration of manufacturing jobs into the third world, but at least individual liberty is their professed cause. Obama's progressives seem to have no appreciation for individual liberty, and many of the greens seem willing to sacrifice, not just jobs but human lives to achieve their ends.

For 3PI the coal fight is about as close to the core of what matters as it gets. Coal is a cheap and plentiful source of energy. If, as 3PI does, you want to empower as many individuals as possible to achieve their personal goals, cheap and abundant energy helps with that like few other things can. Cheap resources promote individual independence. In contrast, when something becomes expensive, like health care for example, individuals are driven towards dependence. Thus the EPA's current path of destruction will cripple the cause of 3PI. More importantly, the EPA's current path is running over and destroying the lives of millions of people, some more directly than others.

It's a bitter irony that the Obama re-election campaign is currently trying to blame Mitt Romney for outsourcing American jobs while the president, through his EPA, is actively and very directly targeting American jobs and lives for destruction. A few billboards proclaiming “Obama's no jobs zone” can't seem to speak loudly enough. Individuals are suffering and the president's heart is clearly out of touch with his brain. That's right I said it. Too bold you think? Many West Virginians wouldn't think so. Think of them, pray for them.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Apologies, And So A W.I.P. Review

Due to a family emergency of sorts my duties will find me elsewhere this week. I know I told folks on Twitter that I would be writing directly about third person individualism in this Tuesday’s post, but that will have to wait until next week (which reminds me I should take my laptop with me to write with).

So in lieu of my post this week I am posting, with my friend's permission, a chapter from a work in progress. As Hans tells me, it's one of those that starts out and gets put in a drawer while projects agents suggest are more salable get worked on.

Consider this a sort of writing feedback experiment. The question both Hans and I want answered is, does this chapter leave you with a wish to see the next? The feedback will help him with other projects. He tells me he may even finish this novel if the feedback is good enough.  I warned him, considering my readership is political, he shouldn't get his hopes up.  He said to that, "Hey, I'm the one doing you a favor bud.  There are no hopes up on this."

Comments are open to all who view this post so feel free.  Maybe I can repay Hans the favor for giving me something to post in a pinch.

The Boy Who Ran Through Time
by Hans Mengis

Chapter 1
Death Is Behind You

“You there boy, can you get me some water for my master?”
Hasani was suddenly sorry. Now the woman was returning his stare, and even worse she thought he was a servant like she was.
“I don't know where the well is”, he told her.
It embarrassed him. He passed by the well many times in his life but couldn't remember how to get there. Now the tall thin woman was looking at him sternly and he hated looks of disapproval from adults. Even worse, she spoke as if she thought he was lying to her.
“You don't know where the well is? Are you not from here?”
Hasani was on the verge of tears. The six year old prince never had a reason to remember where the well was.
The attendant just stared sternly at him for what seemed an eternity, but then her eyes came upon his wrists. Looking at his bracelets, her face changed from stern to something very different, something like fear. She fell to her knees.
“I am so sorry my lord. Please forgive me. I did not realize who you were. Please please forgive me.”
She almost cried the words.
Hasani thought he'd be much happier once she realized he was not a servant, but he wasn't. The look on her face bothered him. He didn't want to be feared.
“I forgive you.”
She backed out of the room on her knees.
“I hope you find the water”, he said to her as she returned to her feet in the hallway and ran off.
He waited there for his tutor and tried to recall his last lesson, but he couldn't get the look on the attendant's face out of his head. Why was it there?
He lost sleep over the next few days because of that look, but in a strange way it may have re-payed the stolen sleep. One night's first watch he lay awake and overheard two servants in the hallway. They were both women servants. Hasani couldn't tell one from the other. All the woman servants sounded about the same to him. He usually didn't care what they had to say to each other but the excitement in their voices attracted him.
“The general will be here soon. We should leave now.”
“Should we take the little prince?”
“No, the general needs to get rid of all of the family tonight.”
“I'd feel sorry for him but that prince is so dull-headed he probably wont even notice his own death.”
Then there was laughter.
“Traitors”, Hasani said angrily but under his breath.
He wanted to run to his father and warn him but he knew the women would realize he heard them if he left too soon. His heart beat quickly as he waited for them to leave like they said they were going to. Then he heard another woman. He knew it was a different woman because her voice came from down the hall near where his father was.
“The general is already in the king's chambers! We need to leave now!”
The words seemed to pull Hasani to the doorway. He saw the backs of both men and women servants as they ran down the passage way towards the palace gates. The thought of following in the servants' wakes came and went quickly. Something inside him told him he needed to go where no one would expect him to run, the place he was always told never to wander into, the desert.
Hasani ran the opposite way from where the servants had run. There was a narrow courtyard on the palace's desert side. It was empty when he got there. Making his legs go as fast as he could, he darted across the courtyard. The gate swung open with much less effort than he expected it to, and he ran out into the sand.
Looking back he saw flames rising from the part of the palace where his father slept and he heard the sounds of angry men breaking things near his room. He redoubled his efforts at running. He stumbled a few times but when he did it seemed to him as if he could have run on his arms as well as his legs. No matter what he just kept moving forward. It was like floating in a dream, a nightmarish dream.
Then there was a sound ahead of him, a roaring sound. A few dozen paces in front of him he saw sand swirling in a huge cone. It went all the way up into the sky. With death and the general's soldiers behind him, Hasani ran into the monstrous whirlwind.
Sand blew into his face and found his eyes. Blinded he stumbled forward, shaking his head and wiping at the sand. His eyes stung and watered as he freed them. He turned his head away form the wind and began to see again. It wasn't much more than sand in the air and his hand in front of him, but it was enough for him to keep running.
The storm was even larger than Hasani first thought. One of his tutor's lessons told him that half of a whirlwind blows the opposite direction from the other. It seemed to Hasani that he had been running for while now and the wind was still blowing the same direction. He was beginning to worry he was some how just running in place when suddenly the sand stopped hitting him.
He stopped too. For the first time since he fled the palace he stopped running and took a long look around him. Just behind him the wind still blew the desert sands sideways. So intensely did it blow that he couldn't see the palace. That's good, he thought to himself, if he can't see the soldiers they can't see him.
Looking ahead he saw the sand was being blown about in a great circle around a calm area as wide as his palace. So the air must be blowing the other way over there, he thought to himself, looking across to the other side. He forgot himself and spoke out loud.
“But what is that?”
In the middle of the still area he saw a small pyramid. It couldn't have been more than a dozen worker's paces to a side and was made of something that looked like gold. It had a flat area on top of it that looked like it was on fire. The smoke from what looked like fire was white and glowed.
It clearly wasn't anything to do with the general so Hasani approached it. The storm is hiding me in this place, he thought to himself, so I am safe to take a closer look. The thought of touching and climbing the little gold pyramid amused him more than taking a closer look at the fire and smoke, but he was about to do both at the same time.
My tutor would be so proud of me, he was thinking. But was his tutor one of the traitors? If he wasn't, did the general have him killed? Then a voice made Hasani jump.
“You there boy, hurry up here!”
A man with a long gray beard leaned out of the smoke. He was bald and his eyes looked like glowing embers. They did have pupils though. Hasani could tell because they were looking at him. The young prince stopped at the pyramids base, unable to move, such was his fear.
The old man studied Hasani and raised an eyebrow.
“Don't fear me when death is behind you.”
The words freed Hasani's feet and he half leaped, half climbed up to the man's outstretched hand. His feet flew as the man pulled him into the glowing smoke.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Let's Cut The Baby In Half

Illegal Immigration In The United States

Can a nation exist without borders? Is it possible to humanely uproot millions of people and send them back to a country that lacks resources and opportunities for them? The answer to both of these questions, unfortunately, is no. So the United States seems to be presented with a choice where both options are wrong. It is as if we must either forfeit our property rights and rule of law, or go ask Balkan governments to instruct us on the do's and don'ts of ethnic cleansing in the modern world. Although in this case, since the United States is an ethnically diverse nation it would be more of a civic cleansing. With options like these it should be no surprise we can't find a consensus on what to do. We are a nation that has fought and worked too hard to just stop existing and with too much moral certainty to suddenly lose that either.

As you may have guessed from the title I'm going to attempt to use one of King Solomon's tacts to move the dialogue on this closer to a solution. I'm going to intentionally propose a solution that should equally horrify elements of both of our political parties. Some of these elements, I suspect, are not so much tied to the core issues of national sovereignty and treating people humanely as they claim with their rhetoric, and how they may react to the following solution could reveal that.

My proposal requires that we pass laws contingent on the United States and Mexico (the primary source by far of our illegal immigrant population) signing a treaty. The laws and the treaty together would solve both the sovereignty and human rights problems.

The Treaty And The Laws

The treaty would make it so citizens of both countries can freely travel, live, and work in both countries without the need of visas. Both nations may require these foreign residents and workers to register for purposes of tracking taxes and government services but unlike visas the registrations would have no standards for issuance beyond the registrants being law abiding residents or workers. This would make all Mexican illegal aliens in the United States effectively legal.

The laws that should be passed in the United States before the treaty is signed would be as follows.
  1. Require all former illegal immigrants to register with the government. Failing to register would result in deportation and possible jail time.  Due to the ease of registration, the number of those failing to register would be very small and manageable.
  2. In order to assure that illegals don't cut ahead of legal immigrants, all formerly illegal immigrants would be required to wait an amount of time equal to the time they were in the country illegally before they could apply for citizenship (exemption for military service).
  3. All federal agencies must cooperate with states endeavors to remove and keep non-citizens from their voter rolls.
  4. Require all United States employers to report the citizenship of all of their employees.

How this deals with both core problems

The sovereignty issue is solved both in the short and long term. The treaty makes it so the only illegal aliens from Mexico would be those who refuse to register or who break other laws and thus can't be registered. The currently huge number of illegal aliens is the greatest challenge to enforcing our immigration laws and that would go way with this treaty. Also, the treaty would make it such that no new illegal influx from Mexico would be at all likely. The ease of registration when compared to the potential consequences of not doing so would make it very unlikely that someone wanting to live or work here would choose not to register.

The laws protect and restore currently lost sovereignty by registering the foreigners, penalizing those who were here illegally in terms of a path to citizenship, and requiring federal agencies to help rather than hinder state efforts to make sure foreigners can't vote. The requirement that employers report their employees citizenship is already being applied in places with great success through E-verify, and it assures that employers don't attempt to use an employee's illegal status as a means to pay them under the table. The combination of E-verify and a foreign worker registration system would discourage this from both directions.

Now as for treating the millions of illegal immigrants humanely, that is also achieved. The treaty would legitimize their current struggles just to make a living, just as long as they weren't getting payed illegally small wages or breaking other laws. The laws would all be fair and of minimal burden to the people involved. They're only suffering would be from having a longer path to citizenship than those who came here legally, and from the inevitable consequences of formerly illegal employment practices suddenly having to meet legal standards or go away.

Sources of expected opposition to this proposal

Now that I've proposed cutting the proverbial baby in half, let's hear from those who would object. Of course I'm only speculating here but I've heard enough from all sides of this issue over the last six years to make a pretty good guess.  After each number I will first state the objection and then after a "↔" I will make my own comment about what I suspect the motives behind the objection are.

From the right, the side I'm most familiar with, would come the following objections.
  1. Amnesty is amnesty, no matter if you delay their path to citizenship or not. They broke the law so they shouldn't have any path to citizenship at all. ↔ The anti-amnesty hardliners are clearly wanting to be uncompromising on the national sovereignty half of the baby, and seem willing to let the other half be harmed.
  2. A treaty like that effectively eliminates our border with Mexico. That's a loss of sovereignty pure and simple. ↔ Those who object to foreign treaties in general have their hearts in the right place, and I suspect they aren't even thinking about any other part of this issue, just a general principle. It's tough to determine their motives towards the baby because they just aren't thinking on that small a scale. They probably should but they aren't.
  3. We need to be able to pay the people who pick lettuce and other crops less than the legal requirements in order to keep produce prices from shooting sky high. ↔ Any real solution that addresses both halves of the baby will probably force farmers to pay their pickers more than they do now. These farmers are similar the cotton farmers before the Civil War. They seem to depend on a source of labor working under conditions morally unacceptable to most Americans.
  4. Programs like E-verify are too onerous on smaller businesses. ↔ E-verify is only onerous if your typical employee will leave if you use it. The treaty part of the solution makes this objection just misguided, and as for the added work for the business, the E-verify system is a national database that any business with internet access can use in minutes. As added paperwork from the government goes, this is insignificant.

From the left would come the following objections.
  1. The registration process would be intimidating and smacks of oppressive practices in other countries. ↔ Concerns about how the registration process will look seem aimed at protecting the human rights half of the baby, but human rights is not a superficial thing. Rejecting a workable solution to a huge problem, just because it reminds one of something it clearly is not, suggests a less than sincere interest in solving the problem.
  2. The registered foreign worker would be an institutionalized second class person. ↔ The second class nature of the registered foreign worker should only be problematic if one doesn't care about the sovereignty half of the baby (note #1 from the right). Of course citizens should have it easier in their own country than foreigners.
  3. Registration enforcement would inevitably tend to profile people based on their ethnicity. ↔ The idea that the role played by the ethnicity of Mexicans is some how significant implies that if poverty stricken lite skinned Canadians made up most of the problem, few would see the problem as significant.  This seems silly to me.  It's as though they don't believe sovereignty is a real issue. As if we invented it to cover up our bigotry. For the sake of the proverbial baby the issue isn't whether they respect us, it's that they don't seem to care about sovereignty. That's half the baby.
  4. The loss of jobs for people working for illegal pay would cause too much suffering and could result in a sort of de facto ethnic cleansing where the former workers leave the country for lack of income. ↔ The issue of hardship for those currently employed illegally who would lose their jobs if their employers had to pay them legally is a legitimate concern for the human rights side of the baby, but like the #3 from the right, any real solution will probably result in these low pay situations ending. There is something inherently unsustainable about an industry that requires workers with clearly inferior labor rights to the rest of the country.
  5. Purging the voter rolls will result in errors which will intimidate some citizens from voting. Those wrongly purged will be disproportionately from disadvantaged minorities. ↔ Voter intimidation is when poll workers try to close the polls while people are waiting in line, or when mean looking thugs stand outside polling places. It is not the inconvenience of having to vote with a petition because one was mistakenly purged from the voter rolls. This concern is suspect as to the sincere concern the objector has for both halves of the baby. A potential inconvenience to a voting citizen cannot compare to the potential that a non-citizen may be able to vote.

It's clear there would be considerable opposition to this proposed solution from both sides. What I want to determine is which objections stem from a legitimate concern for national sovereignty and human rights and which don't. In other words, who should get the baby before it's cut in half?

So who gets the baby?

Solomon gave the baby to the mother who was willing to lose the baby in order to save the baby's life. Where's that mother in this?

No one side of this issue, as the political lines are currently drawn, completely owns that proverbial mother.  Who is willing to let their own partisan or financial interests go in order to protect both national sovereignty and human dignity?  While both sides have their extremists who keep insisting on hard lines that make consensus impossible and lose at least half the baby, there are those who show sincere concern for both national sovereignty and human dignity.

To get to a real solution both sides must make some of their members unhappy. They both can start with those who don't want the underground illegal labor market to end. Some on the right don't want certain industries to incur the greater labor costs and some on the left don't want to lose the incentive that draws in a new underclass for their political exploitation. Both are placing their own financial and political interests ahead of national sovereignty and human dignity. Both poison the dialogue.

Those who should be talking are those who sincerely care about at least half the baby. They should be able to convince each other that both halves are needed. National sovereignty and respect for individual human dignity are inseparable. You can't respect individual human dignity unless you respect a person's right to own things and keep the things they own. You can't ensure this right without some degree of government and that government must have a sovereign jurisdiction in which it operates. If that sovereignty is threatened so is the protection of the individual's property that it provides, and thus the individual's human rights.

Another way to look at is this. Governments exist to serve the individual. Thus a government cannot justly be more important than the dignity of the individual. If a government is preserved at the expense of individual dignity, for example, forcibly relocating millions of people, that government's legitimacy is potentially compromised. While if having to choose between its own citizens and that of another country it should choose its own, it should also sincerely seek the lesser of all potential evils. One group's interest may be more legitimate than another's in a given situation but no group's interests outweigh the dignity of the individual.

By now you should see where I as a third person individualist come from on this issue, nations are important because they protect individuals but the individual is paramount.

I fabricated this solution to illegal immigration intentionally to be objectionable to some on both sides. I strongly suspect the Mexican government would also never agree to such a treaty either, based on their current restrictions on foreigners. It is my hope this exercise will reveal who the ones on both sides are that don't actually want a solution. They would rather let the baby be cut in half. I believe if we could weed them out of the discussion those remaining would have a reasonable chance to achieve a reasonable solution.

Those who dream of new voting blocks or don't want to lose cheap labor, no matter what you think of their motives, have no interest in a solution here. They benefit from the problem continuing. Anyone who cares to listen to them should obviously feel free, but never forget their motives. The solution is going to come through a dialogue amongst those who actually want one. They are the people who care about the issues of national sovereignty and individual dignity.

By the way, I strongly suggest caution when it comes to the social justice crowd. Their respect for national sovereignty is conditional depending on whether the nation involved is advantaged or disadvantaged, and their respect for individual dignity is self-delusion at best. The phrase, “their heart is in the right place” was practically invented for them, as almost nothing else of theirs, when it comes to true justice and individual dignity, is in the right place (see The Heresy Of Social Justice, from Tuesday, June 19, 2012).

As I believe with all civil and international issues, cherish individual liberty and dignity and the best human solutions possible can be found. Put any other natural or human thing ahead of the individual and the Tower comes crashing down and we stop understanding each other.

Next week, it seems high time I explain third person individualism itself.