Tuesday, June 12, 2012

From Honduras To Wisconsin


The Individual Defies Collectivism

On December 1st, 2009 the people of Honduras scored a victory for themselves by showing
with their votes they did not want former president Manuel Zelaya to be able to run over
their constitution.  More importantly they struck a huge blow to ugly-elitism world-wide.
 Politicians around the world have thought too much of themselves for centuries and in
2009 we saw a humble but proud little nation defy them and win.  They did this by
electing Porfino Lobo president with 55% of the vote.

Even as the United States state department was backing away from its previous
anti-Honduran-constitution stance, elements of the world press were still referring to
Zalaya's ouster as a millitary coup (
http://www.democracynow.org/2009/12/1/hondurans_divided_after_coup_backer_wins ).  This
in spight of his ouster being ordered by both the Supreme Court and congress. 

The world's politicians and their sycophants in the press were still feeling the sting. 
A politician with apparent good intentions defied his nation's legislature, courts, and
constitution and ended up standing in his pajamas on the tarmac of a Costa Rican
airfield, his country moving on without him.  The inevitable evolution of society towards
 a socialist collectivism had not just been defied by the tiny nation of Honduras, it's
proponents had been humiliated.  Zalaya in ankle chains in his pajamas had become the new
symbol to replace the tared and feathered tax collector.  International socialism was
potently portrayed as being on the wrong side of history just as absolute monarchy had
been a few centuries earlier.

Now more recently in the State of Wisconsin we saw the people of that state do as the
people of Honduras had done.  By turning back the attempted recall of Governor Scott
Walker they defied not just the state workers union bosses.  They sent a message to the
world.  We are not marching inevitably towards some socialistic model of collectivism.  Socialism is failing, just as it's collectivist cousins, absolute monarchy, and despotism before it, and more and more people are seeing it.

But what happened in Honduras still bodes even bigger, for the people of Honduras clearly did more than just defy socialism and ugly elitism.  They showed the world's leaders that the people they intend to lead have the will and ability to hold them accountable, even in Central America where dictators used to be the rule and not the exception.

On December 3rd of 2009, after the Hondurans elected the so called "coup backer" Porfino Lobo their new president, I wrote ..

I can only hope this will some day be remembered as the day in history when politicians around the world who thought they should lead started to realize that it is their role to follow instead.

Let's all hope.

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