Friday, July 26, 2013

What The Detroit Bankruptcy Has To Say To The World

My travels this Summer were as tiring as they were personally rewarding.  I visited with relatives.  One of them I never met before and I'm very happy I got a chance to meet her as well as the ones I already knew.

I also visited the graves of three beloved relatives who I had not gotten a chance to attend their funerals.  In case anyone of my readers isn't already aware of this, it it very important to one's psychological and spiritual well being to say your fair wells to those who have passed before you.

Feeling like I owe it to my readers to give them something of substance this week in spite of my weariness, I've decided to direct you all to a friend of mine's pod-cast, Consider This .  And I am very pleased that the light of providence seems to have shown upon us this week as this week's pod-cast has unusually great relevance to my international readership.  Also, if anyone's English isn't quite up to understanding what my friend is saying, he has the transcript on the page for you to use your favorite web-translator on.

Here's the link one more time --> Consider This: What The Detroit Bankruptcy Has To Say To Us

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