Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Why We Should Vote Libertarian

Never in the history of this nation has there been a better time to start voting libertarian no matter what.  After this Obamacare fiasco if there are still enough people willing to vote Democrat for them to get a plurality in a race against a Republican and a Libertarian, well then the rest of us deserve to go to Hades in a hand-basket.

This is not the time to vote for the lesser of evils like a libertarian leaning Republican.  Since when do we as libertarians believe that government is the lesser of evils.  We believe it should be a good thing right?

Why should we waste our time voting for the lesser of two evils?  We could help the lesser evil win any time, but how often do we get a chance so prime as this coming November to vote for a candidate that has no chance of winning, and by so doing make a statement and prime the pump for a future victory?

The two major parties just keep saying with each election, "this is the most important election of your life time".  What nonsense!  There's plenty of time to save this country from a slide into a Venezuela-like state where a permanent under-class majority keeps giving their votes to politicians that promise them stuff that has nothing to do with the realities of how stuff is produced.

We've got decades to fix this and the only way to do that is to vote pure-libertarian; no compromising, no trying to take over one of the two major parties.  Those are sell-out strategies.

Now is the time.  Now is the place.  No more attempts to be clever or use the system our founders designed to help us.  No, from now on we will just vote libertarian and by golly in a few decades we will actually make this country what we want it to be.

In the mean time we can all go hunker down in the hills and if worse comes to worse we can separate ourselves from the United States and become the United States Of Appalachia.


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