Tuesday, September 2, 2014

How Many More Days?

A year ago the big issue in the middle east was Syria.  Now the big issue is a festering wound calling itself the Islamic State Of Iraq And Syira, or ISIS.  In other words, the result of neglecting to establish sound policies a year ago.  Now at the risk of coming across as myopic and geocentic I feel I must remind folks of what I think is the best summary of world politics today.  It was said over a year ago by John Bolton.   One simply needs to do the math to bring it up to date.

"I think what we have to do now is explain to the rest of the world that basically we’re in a 1200 day period when the president is not going to be effective but that doesn't mean America can’t be reinstated into its proper place once we get a real president in Washington."

More important than changing the day count to around 800 is asking how much worse may things get before "those who have much" can resume effectively answering the call when "much is expected".

As for the White House, the only questions the rest of the free world should be asking is will it hinder them in their efforts to cope, and what can they hope to see from it once the current occupant of the office of president vacates?

One possible strategy has come to mind, one similar to how NATO managed to pull a reluctant Bill Clinton into the Balkans.  If the UK and France, and possibly even Germany, determine to move forward with a workable plan, Obama might be shamed into going along with US resources.   Ah but Obama is certainly not Clinton.  Unlike Clinton, Obama has no interest in being seen as leading in such a matter.  Where as Clinton was more than happy to take over and claim credit (even if the successes had to be manufactured in the press), Obama seems to want nothing to do with military interventions.  Even his surge in Afghanistan was something he seemed to be drug to kicking and screaming to for the sake of his re-election chances.  And now he's got no such concern.

Based on what we know about Obama, I wouldn't blame our allies for believing such a ploy would blow up in their faces.  They probably are secretly wishing they could just replace Obama with Perry now.  But it doesn't work that way.  So is it 800 days, more, less?  Do they have the exact number being tracked somewhere?  I would if I were them.

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