Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Naked Thoughts Revisited

What's it like to be indebted to someone who is set against you fulfilling your responsibilities and duties: the divine calling we all receive to be ourselves and whatever that may entail?

Is that what it's like to be almost a person without a country: the nation state you live in is bound and determined to undermine you being you?

Is that what it's like?

What do you do?

What can you do?

You do your duty and live on as God intends.

If the nation state you live in seems to be at odds with itself: providing you a safe place to live full of opportunities on the one hand while on the other working to try and corral your individual initiative, restrain your liberty, make decisions for you; then you take the good with the bad, but don't give the bad any unearned respect.

And what do you say to someone who suggests you're a hypocrite because of this: suggesting that you should forgo all benefits of the state you disagree with?

Tell them that by benefiting you through such policies, the state is clearly at odds with itself.  It is not you who are the hypocrite, but the state in its policies.

The state is only legitimate when it helps the individual or does nothing, and is illegitimate when it hinders the individual.

There is no true law that works against the individual.

There are a lot of laws that are in reality, not.

The test of this is not if the law serves you, but if it serves any individual who is true to their divine calling.


I'm sure there will be those who misunderstand what's being said here.  Context is the key.  I am saying nothing new for me here, just putting it in different words.  The individual is not some selfish sociopath or even necessarily you or me.  The individual here is that eternal occupant of the space we reserve for the third person.  Thus I said, "The test of this is not if the law serves you, but if it serves any individual who is true their divine calling."

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